If you’re anything like me, skin problems are not something you want to think about. But life happens and various environmental and physical things can come up that affect your skin and before you know it, you may be experiencing skin problems. One of the fairly common ones is dermatitis.
Dermatitis simply means skin inflammation. It can start with red, dry, itchy skin and proceed to flaky scales, cracks, blisters, or a rash on red, swollen skin. A few examples are eczema, dandruff and contact dermatitis (an itchy, red rash where your skin has contacted substances that irritate your skin or cause an allergic reaction).
Dermatitis isn't contagious, but it can make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious.
What to bring into your daily routine to return your skin’s healthy glow
1. Take shorter baths and showers, like to 5 to 10 minutes, and use warm, rather than hot water.
2. Use unscented, gentle, non-soap cleansers, because most soaps dry out your skin.
3. After bathing dry yourself gently – don’t rub. Gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel.
4. Regularly moisturizing helps to control the symptoms. With your skin still damp, seal in moisture with an oil, cream or lotion, especially one with ingredients that benefit dermatitis symptoms. Some of these are:
- Lavender Essential Oil
- Chamomile Essential Oil
- Geranium Essential Oil
- Frankincense Essential Oil
- Borage oil
- Bergamot Essential Oil
- Helichrysum Essential Oil
- Calendula oil
- Jojoba oil
Beauti Me’s Anti-FUNGAL, Anti-BACTERIAL BODY LOTION is formulated with a powerful combination of skin-conditioning botanicals and essential oils known for their benefits in relieving skin conditions and discomfort. Give it a try – get your skin relief and bring it back to the health you deserve!