The heat is ON! With scorching summer sun and heat waves, special treatment is needed to keep your skin hydrated and beautiful this summer. Heat and sun can be pretty hard on your skin, so your skin care regimen really needs a seasonal change. Here are some of summer’s best beauty tips to help you keep your skin protected from a summer meltdown…
1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
The lowest-cost and simplest way to keep yourself hydrated is by drinking lots of water, especially with added electrolytes (like lemon or lime juice squeezed into it). Make sure you drink at least 8-10 glasses of water. And try juiced veggies to hydrate yourself and feel fresh, as well as eating that summer fav, watermelon!Watermelon is a great way to get hydrating liquid and electrolytes into your body. All these keep your energy up and cools down your whole body while doing wonders for your skin to keep that natural glow on.
2. Too much sun is no fun
Getting a tan (not such a bad thing in itself) can lead to premature aging of your skin, like age spots and of course there’s the threat of skin cancer. So be sure to expose as little of your skin as possible to direct sunlight – sit under an umbrella, wear wide-brim hats, sun-protective clothing, and sunglasses. And invest in a good, safe sunscreen (safe for you AND the environment).
3. If you do get a sunburn…
or your skin is getting dried out and irritated, there’s nothing better than applying Aloe vera for relief. Get an aloe leaf and cut the inside gel out and apply to your skin or get an aloe gel (like Beauti Me Aloe Gel) to soothe, hydrate and help heal your skin.
4. Get your summer skin routine in gear
with lightweight, hydrating, natural skin care products. Choose products with healthy ingredients. The fewer the chemicals, the better – you don’t want bad stuff clogging your pores, especially in summer (break-outs and pimples are no fun). Splash or mist your face with water at 3-4 times every day and exfoliate to keep your face clean.
5. Eat foods that keep you cool and hydrated
What you eat has a lot to do with how you feel and how you look. Heavy food weighs you down and can make your skin oily and more likely to breakout. Go for seasonal fruit and veggies. Fruits and some veggies (like cucumber, celery, and tomatoes) have a lot of water content and are rich in electrolytes to keep your body and skin hydrated and better able to cope with heat and sun. And stay away from processed food and sugary drinks! These dehydrate as well as cause other problems for your body.
6. Natural remedies are really a thing!
There are ingredients in your kitchen which can help soothe the skin during summer. Try these 3 remedies:
Now you’re all ready to go out and beat the summer heat with a beautiful, glowing skin!