It’s finally summer and we get to go out! Summer is lots of outdoor fun and flip-flops, so you want to pamper your tootsies and get them beauteous before stepping out into the sun.
So here are 6 super-simple ways to pamper your feet and get them looking (and feeling) sandal-ready for a carefree summer.
1. Trim those tootsies!
Trim your nails before soaking your feet. It’s best to give them just a slightly rounded shape at the edges so they don’t dig into your flesh as they grow. Use your nail file to shape them after trimming.
2. Soak’em!
Treat yourself to a good soak 1-2 times weekly during the hot months of summer – your feet will thank you for it! Deep clean your feet in a tub of water with epsom or bath salts, or a few drops of tea tree oil. This is soooo relaxing, and it will help soften areas with hard skin. Soak them for about 10 minutes and then rub your feet with a cloth and soap. Don’t forget the spaces between your toes where dry skin and dirt can linger. Your feet will feel fresh and revitalized!
3. Brush off the winter blues – get the old, dead skin off.
Exfoliate and buff away hard skin. Use a pumice stone, a foot scrub, exfoliating cream or callus remover to get the job done. Try Beauti Me’s Callus Remover to buff away hard skin in minutes. Just glide it across the affected areas for beautiful and luxuriously soft feet. Exfoliation is key to getting your feet ready for summer.
4. Moisturize, moisturize.
Did you know? The skin on our feet is up to 10x thicker than the rest of your body’s skin. So your feet need much more moisturizing to prevent the skin from getting dry and cracked, especially during summer. They should be moisturized after every shower or before you hop into bed at night. Moisturize along the top and bottom of your feet, but never between the toes, as this is the perfect place for bacteria to grow. Give Beauti Me’s Anti-fungal & Anti-bacterial Body Lotion a try for silky-soft feet that also keeps fungus at bay.
5. Check those cuticles.
Summer is a crucial time to keep your cuticles in check. Apply a cuticle remover, push back the cuticle and gently trim any hanging skin with cuticle clippers.
6. Time to pretty them up.
Have fun – get creative with new summery nail polish colors that will wow, and get out in that summer sun!