Replace those Harmful Perfumes & Artificial Fragrances with Natural Ingredients...

Fragrances are everywhere – they’re in our perfumes, colognes, deodorants, cleaning products, even pumped into the air you breathe when you walk into many stores. These fragrances may smell nice to you, but actually they contain hundreds of chemicals that are all slowly poisoning you (and your pets too, by the way).


It may surprise you, but many of the hundreds of compounds that go into a fragrance have similar chemical structures to pesticides. And they can cause irritation or even more serious health problems over a period of time, because they’re largely made from petrochemicals derived from crude oil, which is quite toxic. 

Many of the chemicals in fragrances can trigger migraines, asthma and other allergic reactions when one comes into contact with them. So not only is fragrance bad for the person wearing it, but also for those around them. 


Ancient perfumes were made from flowers and other natural aromatics, and were in use for hundreds of years before the 1900’s, all made without synthetic chemicals. You can still find them today, because people want to get back to what’s healthy and natural. Many companies are now making fragrances, household cleaners, detergents and air fresheners with natural aromatics and substances such as essential oils.


These are natural oils obtained through steam distillation that produce the fragrance of the plant it was extracted from. The plant is distilled down to its most potent form resulting in an oil that’s dense with natural scent and many other beneficial properties.


Today there is actually an abundance of essential oils and other natural ingredients available that can replace perfumes, artificial fragrances and household cleaning products. Just do a search online for eco-friendly & all natural perfumes, colognes and room fragrances and household cleaners, and you may be surprised how easy it is to find them!

You might want to check out Beauti Me’s skincare collection because it’s made without harmful fragrances and chemicals—we care about your health! You can see them here