

  • 6 healthy beauty tips to beat the summer heat

    The heat is ON! With scorching summer sun and heat waves, special treatment is needed to keep your skin hydrated and beautiful this summer. Heat and sun can be pretty hard on your skin, so your skin care regimen really needs a seasonal change. Here are some of summer’s best beauty tips to help you keep your skin protected from a summer meltdown…
  • What is sensitive skin and what do you do about it?

    “Sensitive skin” is one of those phrases thrown around all the time, but what does it really mean and how do you know if you have it? And if you do have it, what causes it and what do you do about it?
  • 5 Essential Oils that Can Help Ease Eczema

    One of the most common skin conditions is Eczema. Many people struggle with this discouraging rash, experiencing flaky skin, redness, dryness, and itching. While there’s currently no known medical cure for eczema, there are natural remedies that may lessen eczema flare-ups. Essential oils are some of these.
  • Bacterial vs fungal rashes – What’s the Difference?

    Did you know that your skin is the largest organ of your body? It’s there to protect your body from bacteria and fungus that could harm your insides, so it has to be. But sometimes the skin itself can get infected. Skin infections are caused by a wide variety of germs and fungus, so it's good to understand the differences between them.
  • Treat 3 common skin problems with Aloe Vera!

    Did you know that the Aloe Vera plant can do wonders for your skin? The pulp inside the leaves of this plant is very hydrating and soothing for skin issues as well as being antibacterial and anti-fungal.